Self-Development of the Healthcare Provider: A Cross-Cultural Examination

Photo of Peterson Miranda

Miranda Peterson was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky, but grew up in Henderson. She followed in the footsteps of her parents and returned to Bowling Green to obtain an undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from WKU in 1995. She obtained a Master of Science in Nursing Education (MSN) in 2008 from USI and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) at NKU in 2016. Miranda is a Certified Nurse Educator and was awarded Teacher of the Year in 2014. She has a nursing background in Medical/Surgical, Pediatric, and Labor and Delivery. She taught Medical Surgical III, Senior Practicum, and Pediatrics at West Kentucky Community and Technical College in Paducah, KY in an Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program. Then had the opportunity to move back to Bowling Green, where she currently teaches Medical Surgical I, Maternal Child Nursing, and Senior Practicum in the School of Nursing at WKU. Miranda is also a member of several professional organizations: Sigma Theta Tau International, National League for Nursing (NLN), American Nurses Association (ANA), and Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA).

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Dr. Miranda Peterson, DNP, RN, CNE (More Info)

Self-Development of the Healthcare Provider: A Cross-Cultural Examination

Program Dates:
June 17, 2023 —July 03, 2023

Honors Credit:

WKU Course:
NURS 317 / HCA 347 / SWRK 490

Nursing , Healthcare Administration , Social Work

Course Description:
In this class comparing the American and Irish health care systems, you'll learn how culture shapes our professional self by influencing how we understand and value the world around us. Awareness of sociocultural influences on health beliefs and behaviors can equip future healthcare providers with skills to transform personal and professional practice. Interaction with healthcare providers while visiting hospitals, pharmacies, public health agencies and research facilities will deepen student's understanding of how Irish and American health systems compare in such areas as healthcare education and public health policies. We'll also learn how cultural and historical influences shape modern healthcare practices by touring historic sites.


Physical Activity Requirements:
Contact Faculty

Course Highlights:
“For any student considering a career in healthcare, this study abroad course will include valuable experience by comparing American and Irish healthcare systems, including such topics as educational preparation, public health concerns, food safety and nutritional health, and health indicators of the Irish.” -- Miranda Peterson